The Highline Council PTSA serves the local PTA's of the Highline School District Area and is in Region 9 of the Washington State PTA. Washington State PTA is part of the National PTA.
Our mission for the 2020-2021 year is to strengthen relationships in our district between schools, educators, families, and communities to best support our students.
Our goals include:
· · Increasing communication of local PTA leaders at the Council level
· · Offer continued training, guidance, and support
· · Encourage participation and support of Council and local PTAs in one another’s programs including Reflections
· · Maintain and encourage best practices and Standards of Affiliation (SOAs)
· · Learn new ways we can strengthen relationships between PTA’s, local schools, the district, and our community
In accordance with the policies of the WSPTA, the Highline Council shall be non-commercial, non-sectarian and non-partisan. It shall not endorse any commercial enterprise or any candidate. The name of the association or the names of any members in their official capacities shall not be used in any connection with a commercial concern or with any purpose not appropriately related to promotion of the objectives of the association.
1. Support, coordinate, facilitate and serve the needs of the local PTA’s and provide information and guidance.
2. Promote the objectives of the Washington State PTA and National PTA through creating public opinion favorable to the interests of children and youth.
3. Promote communication and cooperation among the member units of matters of mutual concern within the council boundaries.
4. Assist in the formation of new units and encourage child welfare projects in the local units and the community.
Highline Council PTSA operates under the National PTA Objectives, which are:
1. To promote the welfare of children and youth in home, school, church or place of worship and community
2. To raise the standards of home life.
3. To secure adequate laws for the care and projection of children and youth.
4. To bring into closer relation the home and school, that parents and teachers may cooperate intelligently in the education of children and youth.
5. To develop between educators and the general public such united efforts as will secure for all children and youth the highest advantages in physical, mental, social and spiritual education.
The bylaws of the Highline Council of Parents, Teachers and Students are set forth in the Washington State PTA Uniform Bylaws.
1. Name and Identity
The name of this PTA is Highline Council Parent-Teacher-Student Association (HCPTSA) 9.5. It was chartered on October 1, 1980. Its National PTA number is 11279116.
2. PTA Purpose and Community
This PTA council provides service to the PTAs and students in the Highline School District, and any other PTA outside of the district that requests membership. Our purpose is to promote the welfare of children and youth; we inform, advise, guide, instruct, serve, and encourage PTA leader development.
3. Incorporation & Registered Agent
This PTA was incorporated as a non-profit corportation on April 5, 1978and assigned UBI available upon request with a 72-hour notice. The treasurer is responsible for filing the annual corporation report (Articles of Incorporation) each April. The registered agent for this corporation is Washington State PTA. The Employer Identification Number (EIN) is kept in the legal document notebooks. This PTA has designated Washington State PTA as its registered agent with the Washington Secretary of State’s office, the Washington Department of Revenue, and the Internal Revenue Service. Copies of the signed documents making such designation are available in the legal document notebooks.
4. Charitable Solicitations
This PTA is registered with the Secretary of State under the Charitable Solicitations Act, registration number available upon request with a 72-hour notice. The treasurer is responsible for filing the annual registration by May 31 to avoid penalties.
5. Tax-exempt Status
This PTA was granted non-profit tax exempt status under section 501(c)(3)of the Internal Revenue Code on December 28, 2015.
A copy of the letter of determination is filed in the legal document notebooks.
6. IRS Filing
The treasurer is responsible for filing the appropriate federal informational return prior to November 15 and providing a copy to the board of directors no later than December 1. Copies of the current and past years’ returns are kept in the legal document notebooks.
7. Standards of Affiliation
Per theWashington State PTA Uniform Bylaws, we will annually complete the Washington State PTA Standards of Affiliation (SOA)agreement in its entirety, and we agree to abide by all requirements and to uphold the ethics, policies, and principles of PTA. HCPTSA will complete the SOA by October 31 each year. HCPTSA will also present a completed SOA at an Open General Meeting following the completion.
8. Council Service Fees
The service fees of this council shall be $2.00 per local unit PTA member.
9. Voting Delegates to Council
The voting body of the council shall consist of the members of the council board of directors and two authorized delegates as determined by the president of each member PTA. Students of Highline School District and any other PTA included in the Highline Council PTSA area shall be considered honorary members of Highline Council PTSA without voice, vote, or the privilege of holding office. Council board of director’s members are representatives of Highline Council PTSAand may not also represent a local PTA at council membership meetings. All members of the Board must be members of a local unit PTA within the boundaries of the Highline School District.
10. Membership Meetings and Quorum
Adoption of the budget, adoption of standing rules, election of the nominating committee, report of the financial review committee, and election of officers shall take place at membership meetings. Whereas, Nominating Committee & Officer Election could also be completed by optional electronic voting as specified policy.
A calendar of membership meetings adequate to accomplish the business of the association shall be determined by the board of directors, no less than three meetings per year. Each local PTA will receive notice of the place, date, and time of the meetings not less than ten nor more than fifty days prior to the date of the meeting.
A quorum of at least 10 members must be present to conduct business.
Special meetings of the membership may be called by the president(s) or upon written request of the majority of members of the board of directors or 10% of the voting body. Notification of place, date, time, and purpose of the meeting shall be published via email or other approved method of communication, at least ten days prior to the special meeting.
11. Board of Director Meetings
The executive committee shall set a calendar of regular monthly board meeting dates and times.
Special meetings of the board of directors may be called by the president(s) or upon written request of the majority of members of the board of directors or 10% of the voting body. Notification of place, date, time, and purpose of the meeting shall be delivered to each member of the board of directors via email or other approved method of communication, at least ten days prior to the special meeting. Quorum for board meetings is a majority of the sitting board, no less than three.
Voice and vote at Highline Council PTSA board of directors’ meetings shall be limited to elected board members and standing chairs, unless an individual is recognized and granted voice by the meeting chair.
12. Elected officers, co-officers and training requirements
The Executive Committee is made up of the elected officers of this PTA which shall be: President, Vice President, Secretary, and Treasurer.
Any elected position may be held jointly by two people, except treasurer. Each co-position holder shall be entitled to voice and vote at a board of directors’ meeting. The election of officers shall be held in the spring. A term consists of one year. No person shall serve in the same position on the Executive Committee for more than two (2) consecutive terms.
This PTA will ensure that each executive committee member attends a minimum of one WSPTA-approved training during the fiscal year within three months of beginning their role and attends PTA and the Law either year during the two year term. Furthermore, at least one member of the executive committee will attend the current offering of PTA and the Law during the PTA year. President and Vice President attends at a minimum of one president’s class, Secretary attends at a minimum of one secretary’s class, Treasurer attends at a minimum of one treasurer’s class.
13. Board of Directors & Standing Committee Chairs
The board of directors of this PTA shall consist of the elected officers and the chairs of the following standing committees:
Advocacy/Legislative, Area Representatives, Communications, FACE, Fundraising,Hospitality, Membership, School District Liaison, Social Service Fund, Website Management. Standing committee chairs may serve for one year. Second year is optional (note that best practices is second year is with an apprentice), third year the position is open; if nobody steps up to fill the position after the position is advertised for two Membership meetings, previous chair may chair for a 3rdterm.
Open positions shall begin to be advertised at a winter membership meeting.
An officer/standing committee chair shall be declared vacant if that person misses three consecutive meetings unless excused by the president. Board members shall notify the president if they are unable to attend a meeting.
An officer may be removed from office by a two-thirds vote of the membership present at a regularly scheduled meeting or at a meeting called for such purpose, should there be cause for removal, such as violation of the ethics, policies, or principles of PTA.
14. Officer election process
Voting for officers or nominating committee may take place at a meeting, by mail, or by electronic transmission. If voting takes place by mail or electronic transmission the Highline Council PTSA mail or electronic voting policy and procedure will be followed.
The nominating committee shall be elected no later than February.
15. Ad Hoc Committees
The executive committee shall establish committees. Committee chairpersons shall be appointed by the president and approved by the executive committee for a term of one year. All committee chairpersons must be current members of a PTA.
A committee chair may be removed from their position by a vote of the board of directors.
Special committees of this council may include: Awards, Grants, Nominating Committee, President/Principal Workshop, Reflections, Senior Scholarships, Softball, or other committees as deemed necessary. These committees are dissolved at completion of project and a “Committee Program Evaluation” is submitted and filed.
16. Reflections
This PTA shall offer a yearly Reflections program for all districtPTAs.
17. Awards
Golden Acorn, Outstanding Advocate, Outstanding Student Advocate, and Outstanding Educator Award(s) may be awarded annually. The president shall appoint the awards committee, with the approval of the executive committee. The awards committee will determine the number of award recipients and whether other awards will be considered on an annual basis, based on the yearly awards budget.An awards ceremony, certificates, and any gifts or flowers given to honorees must be accounted for in the budget. All award nominees, except for the Employee Recognition Award, will go through an additional screening process by the HCPTSA Awards Committee, with the final selection announced at our awards program. The HCPTSA shall give these awards:
Advocacy for Youth Award: This is a special award presented to a person who has advocated for children and youth for many years in an extraordinary way.
Golden Acorn Award: This award is presented to a PTA member who has given outstanding service to children and youth. The Golden Acorn Award is very special and is given for continued and dedicated service. This is our way to honor PTA members for their contributions to this association. A contribution will be made in the recipient’s name to the Washington State PTA Scholarship Foundation.
Community Service Award: This award is presented to a person, organization, or business who has supported children and PTA activities in the Highline School District and who has supported council programs or activities.
Outstanding Service Award: This award is presented only by PTA Councils, Regions or the State PTA to an individual who may have already been honored by a local PTA unit and who is continuing to give service to children. An Outstanding Service Award recipient is someone who works for children beyond the specific school community and the bounds of job or PTA. This person is concerned with ALL children and is willing to work to help them achieve their potential.
Outstanding Educator: This award is presented to an individual who has demonstrated outstanding educational contributions. A contribution made by the PTA, Council or State PTA in the name of the Outstanding Educator Award recipient, helps the Washington State PTA award additional scholarships to post-secondary students.
Employee Recognition Award: This award is given to school employees from each school location and Central Office. The award recognizes the extra time and energy, above and beyond job requirements, given to children and to the PTA community. Up to two (2) honorees may be nominated from each unit.
18. Budget and Monthly Financial Reports
This PTA shall approve its annual operating budget in the spring of each year.
The board of directors has authority to reallocate up to $500.00 budgeted for one purpose, for another purpose, by a two-thirds vote of the board.The treasurer will submit a monthly financial report to the board of directors. The Council shall maintain a minimum balance of $1000 to carry forward to the next fiscal year.
19. Legal Documents
The PTA shall maintain a physical safe deposit box at the bank where its checking account is maintained. The original copy of any legal document shall be kept in the safe deposit box. Copies are to be made for the president(s) and treasurer and kept in legal document notebooks. All elected officers shall have access to the contents of the legal document notebooks and the safe deposit box. All contracts shall have two executive committee member signatures.
20. Financial Review
A financial review committee with a minimum of three members appointed by the president will review the financial records of this PTA twice a year, winter and at the close of the fiscal year (June 30). The report of the committee will be presented at the regularly scheduled membership meeting immediately following the review. Members of this committee shall not include the treasurer, or any person authorized to sign on the PTA bank accounts for the period that is being reviewed, or any individuals living in their households.
21. Bank Account
This PTA shall establish one or more accounts in financial institutions as determined by the board of directors. Any such account shall require signatures on internal processing forms of at least two elected officers to make a withdrawal.
22. Bank Account Signers
The board of directors shall determine which officers shall have signing authority on the PTA bank account. The signature of at least three elected officers shall be on the authorized signature card for this PTA’s bank account..
23. Independent Review of Bank Statements (Non-Signer Review)
The PTA’s monthly bank account statements shall be provided unopened to a person appointed by the board of directors. This person will be appointed by the board at the beginning of the fiscal year and shall not be a signer on the account. The reviewer shall promptly report to the executive committee any concerns or discrepancies identified in the review. If no concerns or discrepancies are seen, the reviewer shall complete the bank review form and promptly return to the treasurer.
24. Payments and Reimbursements
All payment and reimbursement requests shall include an invoice or a receipt and should be submitted to the treasurer within 60 days of expenditure. Any requests for reimbursement not submitted prior to the date determined by the treasurer prior to the end of the school year, will be considered a donation to the general fund of this PTA.
No authorized signer will sign a check to her or himself. Two authorized signers must sign all PTA checks.
25. NSF Checks
Should the PTA receive an NSF check, a service fee in the amount of $30will be charged, in addition to any fees imposed by the PTA’s bank. If the NSF check is not paid by June 1, the PTA will not accept any checks from this individual in the future. If more than twoNSF checks are received from the same individual during the fiscal year, the PTA will not accept further checks from the individual responsible.
26. Gambling Activities
Students of Highline School Districtand any other PTA that joinsHighline Council PTSAshall be considered honorary members of Highline Council PTSA without voice, vote, or the privilege of holding office, to participate in gambling activities.
Note: any gaming activities where students will be involved, a student would be able to place a ticket into a raffle basket at an event after their parent or guardian purchases the ticket.
Chairperson shall take PTA and the Law that year before gambling. Gambling requirements must be adhered to including; obtaining a permit in time for event, contacting local police to report activity, and quarterly reporting (even if no further gambling occurs).
27. Voting Delegates
This PTA may send as many voting delegates to the WSPTA Convention as allowed by the WSPTA Uniform Bylaws. All delegates shall be selected by the president.
Priority shall be given to the newly elected Executive Committee.
Voting delegates to the Legislative assembly shall include the Advocacy Chair, unless otherwise designated by the board.
28. Policy Review
This PTA shall maintain policies for: area representatives, board standards of conduct, training/lodging, insurance review, money handling, social media, online banking, FACE activities, password transition and mail or electronic voting. These policies shall be reviewed and approved yearly by the board of directors. These policies shall reside in the legal documents notebooks.
29. Collaboration with Other Organizations
This PTA may collaborate with non-PTA organizations. The PTA will handle only PTA funds and will have in place a signed contract with the other organization to clearly establish whether it is a PTA activity or the other organization’s activity.
30. Code of Conduct and Social Media Use
Elected officers of this PTA shall follow a board code of conduct. Officers, chairpersons, and volunteers shall adhere to the Highline School District Volunteer Handbook policies.
Members of this PTA shall not use their own personal social media platforms to cyberbully, insult, embarrass, target, or post threats of physical or verbal abuse towards any individuals, including school board officials, school administrators, teachers, PTA members, volunteers, or other individuals that are associated with Highline School District. This PTA shall have a social media policy which shall be reviewed yearly by the board of directors.
31. Standing Rules
The standing rules of this PTA shall be adopted annually by majority vote at the first membership meeting of the school year.
The standing rules may be amended at a membership meeting by majority vote if previous notice of the meeting was given. If no previous notice was given, then a two-thirds (2/3) vote is required.
Note: All PTA/PTSA Local Units and Councils are affiliated with the WSPTA and are required, as a condition of their affiliation, to abide by and conform to its Uniform Bylaws.
Highline Council PTSA
PO Box 66539 Burien, WA 98166 | | Facebook: highlinecouncilptsa
Copyright © 2021 Highline Council PTSA - All Rights Reserved.